Housing Office Special Housing

"Special Housing" refers to Fall semester early arrivals, Winter Break, Spring semester late check-out, Mayterm, and Summer in Ocean View.

Who is approved for early Fall arrival?

Early Fall arrivals are students who have been asked by the college to arrive on campus for specific purposes, and must be approved by Housing (in collaboration with sponsoring staff and faculty). It is not for the benefit of students who would like to be able to come to campus prior to the standard check-in dates due to convenience (travel or other) or because it is fun to arrive early!

Who qualifies for this? 

Fall Athletes (soccer, volleyball, cross country) and specific student leaders and Orientation volunteers are asked to assist the college in preparation for the semester.

If Fall athletes arrive prior to when regular Fall housing is available, their temporary housing is arranged by Conference Services. The athletes transition from this temporary housing to their regular Fall housing assignments one week prior to the start of Orientation. Athletes are not allowed to move their personal belongings into their Fall campus housing assignments until their approved transition date. 

Special approval needed

Students are not allowed to move in any belongings or check-in to campus rooms until the dates listed under Check-In, unless they are approved by Housing as an early Fall arrival. When a student has been added to the list for early Fall arrival, he or she will receive an automated email confirmation from the Housing Office containing the approved early arrival date, time, and process.

Meal arrangements 

Meal service may need to be planned by faculty and staff sponsors for students on their early Fall arrival lists, as the Fall semester meal plan does not commence until the week when Orientation occurs. Faculty and staff who arrange for early Fall arrival prior to the start of the meal plan may contact Auxiliary Services for information about arranging meal service in the Dining Commons.

Faculty and staff sponsors (Adding & Removing Names)

Faculty and staff who wish to have students approved for early arrival should contact Housing at least a month in advance. Once arranged, faculty and staff will add their student names and manage their group list per Housing's emailed instructions.

Who stays over Christmas or arrives early in January? 

The residence halls close at the end of Fall semester in mid-December, and students are required to vacate until the halls re-open for Spring semester in January.

However, several athletic programs may arrange to have their athletes stay on-campus for scheduled games and practices during the Christmas holiday. Historically, these have been men's and women's basketball in December, along with Women's Swimming in early January. A few supporting student workers during this period are typically approved. In addition, some student leaders and a few student employees are asked to come back early to prepare for Orientation for new, incoming students in January and/or to help the college get ready for Spring semester.

Coaches and sponsoring staff members are responsible to arrange with Housing in advance for their students to stay in campus housing while the residence halls are officially closed. The electronic door program is operational and will prevent students from room access unless approved. There are additional expectations and restrictions* in the residence halls (see below). Only students who reside on-campus for the Fall and Spring semesters are allowed to reside in the residence halls during Christmas holiday. Students who reside off-campus for the Fall or Spring semester do not stay in campus housing during Christmas holiday because they will not have been officially checked-in by residence staff and would not have room keys from the residence hall staff prior to Christmas holiday.

Special approval needed

Students are not allowed to be in the residence halls during Christmas holiday, unless they are part of one of the programs mentioned above and have been approved by Housing to stay in their room for specific dates. When a student has been approved, he or she will receive an e-mail from Housing to confirm it. The dates approved will be communicated in the e-mail.

Coaches and other sponsoring staff need to contact Housing in advance to arrange for approval. Once arranged, they will add their own students' names and manage their own group lists at the Special Housing Schedule (login) site.

Administrator's View

Administrators who have authorization to view the entire Christmas/Early January list may login here: Christmas Holiday list

*Expectations and Restrictions 

The Community Life Statement and behavioral expectations in the Student Handbook are in force during Christmas holiday. Additional expectations and restrictions are as follows:

Behavioral Expectations

1. The residence halls are closed to all students not authorized to stay by the Housing Office. Students are only allowed to be in the residence halls during the dates which have been specifically arranged by the Housing Office.
2. No visitors or guests are allowed to stay overnight on campus.
3. There are no ‘open’ hours, therefore no guests or visitors of the opposite sex are allowed in the room. Open hour privileges are suspended while the residence halls are officially closed.
4. If you are aware of any suspicious behavior in the residence hall area, or an unauthorized visit by someone of the opposite sex, please report it to Campus Safety or the Student Life Office immediately.

Personnel Availability

1. Resident Directors are on vacation and should not be disturbed. If you get locked out, you may contact Campus Safety (805-565-6222).
2. Campus Safety may be contacted “24/7” for students locked out of their rooms. Residents may be required to show their ID cards or drivers license to get access to their rooms.

Facility & Service Restrictions

1. Students approved to reside on campus during the Christmas holiday period should already be checked into their Spring housing assignments with the RA (i.e. prior to the Christmas holiday). No on-campus housing is provided to students who currently reside off-campus (during the Fall) or will be off-campus for the Spring semester.
2. There are no regular meal hours in the dining commons until the weekend preceding the first day of Spring semester classes.
3. Cooking is restricted to the residence hall kitchens. 
4. Restrooms will only be cleaned and re-stocked on request, not automatically.
5. Any student may attend college-sponsored events (e.g. basketball games) or conduct business during posted hours (e.g. library, post office, Student Records). While the residence halls are officially closed, the campus remains open for students who are here for good reasons.

Who stays over Spring Break, and what is involved?

Since many services are curtailed during Spring Break (aka Spring Recess), most campus and Ocean View residents leave for the week. However, current residents in college housing are allowed to stay in their own rooms or apartments during Spring Break if they sign-up to stay.

Current residents must sign-up to stay

Current campus and Ocean View residents must sign-up to stay for any portion of Spring Break, using the Spring Break Request (login) below. Those who stay should be aware of the restrictions and limitations during break. These are described below and via email message which is sent by the Housing Office to students who sign-up. Please be sure to verify (and update, if necessary) your emergency information on your student profile. This is very important since fewer residence hall staff are on campus during Spring Break.

Parking permits are not required

Any student may operate a vehicle on campus from the Friday immediately prior to Spring Break until the Sunday at the end (approx. 10 days).

Restrictions and limitations during Spring Break

  • No guests may stay in the residence halls. Usual behavioral and housing policies from the Student Handbook apply.
  • The Dining Commons is closed for most of break. See Auxiliary Services for specific dining hours.
  • The Shuttle and Dial-a-Ride services are suspended. See Transportation Services for any updates.
  • Custodial services in the residence halls are suspended.
  • There may be very limited access to residence hall personnel.
  • Access to the on-campus residence hall kitchens may be limited.
  • The gym and racquetball courts may be closed for floor maintenance.

Spring Break Request

What is Late Spring Check-Out?

Late spring check-out refers to the special approval which is given to some campus residents to remain an extra two days in their rooms after the residence halls close at the end of spring semester. This approval is to provide extended housing for those involved in certain college activities, such as:

  • Residents who are graduating
  • Residents who are asked by faculty and staff to assist on graduation weekend
  • Residents who will be moving to Mayterm housing on the day after graduation 
  • Residents who will move from their college housing assignment for the spring semester (i.e on-campus or OV) to summer housing at Ocean View on the day after graduation
  • Residents who are involved in intercollegiate athletics which extend beyond the regular semester
  • Residents who will work for Westmont Conference Services during the summer
  • Resident Assistants who are required to stay through the weekend 

Late spring check-out is not for those who want to stay in college housing for their own interests or travel schedule. 

Approval needed by Housing

Faculty and staff who need non-graduating residents to remain for graduation weekend to assist them or their department should contact Housing in advance to arrange for approval. Faculty and staff will add their own students' names and manage their late check-out group at the Special Housing Schedule (login) site.

The Housing Office will enter the names of residents who are expected to graduate, residents who have submitted requests for Mayterm housing, and residents who have summer housing confirmed at Ocean View.

Overnight Guests

Campus residents must register their overnight guests using the form on the Housing Page of their student portal. Guests are welcome to stay for a maximum of 5 nights each semester and are expected to stay in the same room for all 5 nights. No extensions will be granted. Current Westmont students who do not pay for on-campus housing are not eligible to be considered "guests". 

Please maintain respect for your roommates when your guests visit. You may be held responsible for any damage to college property caused by your guest. As a host, you are responsible to explain to your guest: 

Who is approved for early Fall arrival?

Early Fall arrivals are students who have been asked by the college to arrive on campus for specific purposes, and must be approved by Housing (in collaboration with sponsoring staff and faculty). It is not for the benefit of students who would like to be able to come to campus prior to the standard check-in dates due to convenience (travel or other) or because it is fun to arrive early!

Who qualifies for this? 

Fall Athletes (soccer, volleyball, cross country) and specific student leaders and Orientation volunteers are asked to assist the college in preparation for the semester.

If Fall athletes arrive prior to when regular Fall housing is available, their temporary housing is arranged by Conference Services. The athletes transition from this temporary housing to their regular Fall housing assignments one week prior to the start of Orientation. Athletes are not allowed to move their personal belongings into their Fall campus housing assignments until their approved transition date. 

Special approval needed

Students are not allowed to move in any belongings or check-in to campus rooms until the dates listed under Check-In, unless they are approved by Housing as an early Fall arrival. When a student has been added to the list for early Fall arrival, he or she will receive an automated email confirmation from the Housing Office containing the approved early arrival date, time, and process.

Meal arrangements 

Meal service may need to be planned by faculty and staff sponsors for students on their early Fall arrival lists, as the Fall semester meal plan does not commence until the week when Orientation occurs. Faculty and staff who arrange for early Fall arrival prior to the start of the meal plan may contact Auxiliary Services for information about arranging meal service in the Dining Commons.

Faculty and staff sponsors (Adding & Removing Names)

Faculty and staff who wish to have students approved for early arrival should contact Housing at least a month in advance. Once arranged, faculty and staff will add their student names and manage their group list per Housing's emailed instructions.

Who stays over Christmas or arrives early in January? 

The residence halls close at the end of Fall semester in mid-December, and students are required to vacate until the halls re-open for Spring semester in January.

However, several athletic programs may arrange to have their athletes stay on-campus for scheduled games and practices during the Christmas holiday. Historically, these have been men's and women's basketball in December, along with Women's Swimming in early January. A few supporting student workers during this period are typically approved. In addition, some student leaders and a few student employees are asked to come back early to prepare for Orientation for new, incoming students in January and/or to help the college get ready for Spring semester.

Coaches and sponsoring staff members are responsible to arrange with Housing in advance for their students to stay in campus housing while the residence halls are officially closed. The electronic door program is operational and will prevent students from room access unless approved. There are additional expectations and restrictions* in the residence halls (see below). Only students who reside on-campus for the Fall and Spring semesters are allowed to reside in the residence halls during Christmas holiday. Students who reside off-campus for the Fall or Spring semester do not stay in campus housing during Christmas holiday because they will not have been officially checked-in by residence staff and would not have room keys from the residence hall staff prior to Christmas holiday.

Special approval needed

Students are not allowed to be in the residence halls during Christmas holiday, unless they are part of one of the programs mentioned above and have been approved by Housing to stay in their room for specific dates. When a student has been approved, he or she will receive an e-mail from Housing to confirm it. The dates approved will be communicated in the e-mail.

Coaches and other sponsoring staff need to contact Housing in advance to arrange for approval. Once arranged, they will add their own students' names and manage their own group lists at the Special Housing Schedule (login) site.

Administrator's View

Administrators who have authorization to view the entire Christmas/Early January list may login here: Christmas Holiday list

*Expectations and Restrictions 

The Community Life Statement and behavioral expectations in the Student Handbook are in force during Christmas holiday. Additional expectations and restrictions are as follows:

Behavioral Expectations

1. The residence halls are closed to all students not authorized to stay by the Housing Office. Students are only allowed to be in the residence halls during the dates which have been specifically arranged by the Housing Office.
2. No visitors or guests are allowed to stay overnight on campus.
3. There are no ‘open’ hours, therefore no guests or visitors of the opposite sex are allowed in the room. Open hour privileges are suspended while the residence halls are officially closed.
4. If you are aware of any suspicious behavior in the residence hall area, or an unauthorized visit by someone of the opposite sex, please report it to Campus Safety or the Student Life Office immediately.

Personnel Availability

1. Resident Directors are on vacation and should not be disturbed. If you get locked out, you may contact Campus Safety (805-565-6222).
2. Campus Safety may be contacted “24/7” for students locked out of their rooms. Residents may be required to show their ID cards or drivers license to get access to their rooms.

Facility & Service Restrictions

1. Students approved to reside on campus during the Christmas holiday period should already be checked into their Spring housing assignments with the RA (i.e. prior to the Christmas holiday). No on-campus housing is provided to students who currently reside off-campus (during the Fall) or will be off-campus for the Spring semester.
2. There are no regular meal hours in the dining commons until the weekend preceding the first day of Spring semester classes.
3. Cooking is restricted to the residence hall kitchens. 
4. Restrooms will only be cleaned and re-stocked on request, not automatically.
5. Any student may attend college-sponsored events (e.g. basketball games) or conduct business during posted hours (e.g. library, post office, Student Records). While the residence halls are officially closed, the campus remains open for students who are here for good reasons.

Who stays over Spring Break, and what is involved?

Since many services are curtailed during Spring Break (aka Spring Recess), most campus and Ocean View residents leave for the week. However, current residents in college housing are allowed to stay in their own rooms or apartments during Spring Break if they sign-up to stay.

Current residents must sign-up to stay

Current campus and Ocean View residents must sign-up to stay for any portion of Spring Break, using the Spring Break Request (login) below. Those who stay should be aware of the restrictions and limitations during break. These are described below and via email message which is sent by the Housing Office to students who sign-up. Please be sure to verify (and update, if necessary) your emergency information on your student profile. This is very important since fewer residence hall staff are on campus during Spring Break.

Parking permits are not required

Any student may operate a vehicle on campus from the Friday immediately prior to Spring Break until the Sunday at the end (approx. 10 days).

Restrictions and limitations during Spring Break

  • No guests may stay in the residence halls. Usual behavioral and housing policies from the Student Handbook apply.
  • The Dining Commons is closed for most of break. See Auxiliary Services for specific dining hours.
  • The Shuttle and Dial-a-Ride services are suspended. See Transportation Services for any updates.
  • Custodial services in the residence halls are suspended.
  • There may be very limited access to residence hall personnel.
  • Access to the on-campus residence hall kitchens may be limited.
  • The gym and racquetball courts may be closed for floor maintenance.

Spring Break Request

What is Late Spring Check-Out?

Late spring check-out refers to the special approval which is given to some campus residents to remain an extra two days in their rooms after the residence halls close at the end of spring semester. This approval is to provide extended housing for those involved in certain college activities, such as:

  • Residents who are graduating
  • Residents who are asked by faculty and staff to assist on graduation weekend
  • Residents who will be moving to Mayterm housing on the day after graduation 
  • Residents who will move from their college housing assignment for the spring semester (i.e on-campus or OV) to summer housing at Ocean View on the day after graduation
  • Residents who are involved in intercollegiate athletics which extend beyond the regular semester
  • Residents who will work for Westmont Conference Services during the summer
  • Resident Assistants who are required to stay through the weekend 

Late spring check-out is not for those who want to stay in college housing for their own interests or travel schedule. 

Approval needed by Housing

Faculty and staff who need non-graduating residents to remain for graduation weekend to assist them or their department should contact Housing in advance to arrange for approval. Faculty and staff will add their own students' names and manage their late check-out group at the Special Housing Schedule (login) site.

The Housing Office will enter the names of residents who are expected to graduate, residents who have submitted requests for Mayterm housing, and residents who have summer housing confirmed at Ocean View.

Overnight Guests

Campus residents must register their overnight guests using the form on the Housing Page of their student portal. Guests are welcome to stay for a maximum of 5 nights each semester and are expected to stay in the same room for all 5 nights. No extensions will be granted. Current Westmont students who do not pay for on-campus housing are not eligible to be considered "guests". 

Please maintain respect for your roommates when your guests visit. You may be held responsible for any damage to college property caused by your guest. As a host, you are responsible to explain to your guest: